An internship at Dream It Yourself, Pierre’s experience

Pierre, before we talk about your internship at Dream It Yourself, can you tell us a little about yourself: Who are you? What is your craziest dream? Do you enjoy Montreal?
My name is Pierre, I am french and a communication student. I came to Montreal in april 2018 to realize my final internship. I really fell in love with the city and with Montrealers. During my weekends, I like to visit the different parts of the city. But in the end, my favorite part will always stay the one I live in : Mile-End! There are businesses, attractive buildings and I am close to the Mont-Royal. It almost feel like home “
When I was younger I had a really extraordinary dream, I wanted to be a professional basketball player for the New York Knicks. I think it is a little late for that now (laughter!). From now on, my dream would be to be the marketing director for the team.
– How did you find your internship at Dream It Yourself? –
I wanted an internship abroad in Canada or in the United States. I sent my application in about thirty companies. When I was searching the internet for intership offers, I came across DREAM IT YOURSELF and loved the company so I applied. I had a phone interview with Marylène and Justine and we quickly made administrative procedures to obtain my work visa. It is necessary to know that, even for an internship, there are authorizations to be obtained to come on the Canadian territory.
– Were you afraid? –
I arrived only to Montreal. I left my circle of acquaintances and my marks and it for one totally unknown universe. As you can imagine him, I had no knowledge, either on the universe of the marriage, or on the fashion. To discover a new environment and a new country was a real challenge!
But, in the final, if you could do it again, I would redo it without any hesitation. I like going out of my zone of comfort.
– Is it also to take out of your zone of comfort that you have choice an internship in a rather feminine environment? 🙂 –
To work with women does not disturb me, on the contrary! At the beginning, the brides as the professionals of the marriage were a little surprised. But due to seeing me during the events, creative photos and also stories Instagram, I was really integrated. I am an integral part from now on of the band DIY.
– Through your missions, what are the main aspects of your formation which you were able to put in the work? –
I studied in management and management of the organization then a control in digital marketing. Because Dream It Yourself is a small structure, I was able to touch the global communication of the company. I developed my expertise in management of the social networks, in particular on Instagram. Thanks to the actions that I set up, we had new followers 2 000 for example. I also used a lot my courts of Web management, in particular for the total revision of the web site. In parallel, I drafted my first newsletters and articles of blog.
Articles of blog drafted by Pierre
The first invisible backless bra, perfect for your wedding dress
Quebec wedding florists who inspire us
A bachelorette party at Dres It Yourself!
Our best tips to enjoy your wedding!
– What did you particularly like during your internship at Dream It Yourself? –
The plurality of the missions mixed with the autonomy! There is always full of things to do, new missions add every day and I affect little to everything. I can manage my time according to my rhythm and the priorities of DIY.
The fact of being able to be autonomous allowed me to apply me and to invest me totally in my missions. The confidence of Justine and the wealth of the missions allowed me to fire the best of myself.
– What are the weak points of your internship ? –
I improved my English but not as much as what I would have wanted. The first conversations with English speakers were not obvious. But, in strength, I gained confidence in me. I feel from now on capable of welcoming and of having a conversation in English with the persons receiving benefits and the brides. Unfortunately, I am not still bilingual. Henis going to need that I continue to travel to have perfect English!
– What are the capacities which you most developed during your internship at Dream It Yourself? –
My relational and organizational skills! I feel from now on capable of postulating in a post of communications manager and I know that I can manage a project from A to Z while respecting the strategy and the values of the company. I really gained confidence in me.
My internship at DIY also made me discover to what extent it is important to look after its communication, because it is necessary to have one-liners, good terms and beautiful pictures to manage to please a demanding clientele.
– Would you want to recommend your experience in the others? –
Yes, the universe of the marriage is so positive! The brides are happy to come to go shopping their dresses at our home and Justine sincerely likes welcoming them. Then, the atmosphere at DIY is always pleasant and joyful. I think that it is really a positive point on a daily basis, it is communicative. On the other hand, for a trainee who looks for of the autonomy and a variety of mission, it is really a beautiful experience to be lived. You do not feel as a ” simple trainee “, you are a member of the team and you feel comfortable.
Finally, an internship at Dream It Yourself is very enriching. I seized the good opportunity to leave abroad and I regret it for nothing in the world.
Crédit photo:
Photograph: Julia Garcia-Prat